From GoFundMe and the parents of Riley Nuce, Chad and Diane Nuce:
“We are creating a scholarship fund in honor of Riley Nuce called ‘The Riley Nuce Shining Light Scholarship.’ The scholarship will keep Riley’s light shining bright by benefiting Pike County FFA/Agriculture students. Previously, the program could only afford to give an annual scholarship of $200. We want to change that so that we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of these great kids, who are currently underserved, for many years to come. When Riley passed away on March 7, 2021, a huge void was left in this world.
Riley was only 16 years old but positively impacted many people, both young and old. He loved the teachers and students in the Pike County Agriculture/FFA program. He loved his two cows he had at the Agriculture barn and spent the day before he passed caring for them. At age 14 he began to work at Chic-Fil-A in Griffin, Georgia. He was promoted to Lead when he turned 16. Riley had a huge heart and loved to surprise people by buying their lunch, surprising them with a free milkshake or even helping pay when people didn’t have enough money to pay for their meal. He especially loved to surprise law enforcement, military and anyone who he felt needed a blessing. Riley always encouraged others to succeed and be their best. So many young people have told us stories of how he was an example to them or how he encouraged them and made them want to be and do better. One story was recounted by Riley’s best friend who he ran track with. He and Riley were running in the State Championship in the two-mile race. About halfway through his friend told Riley he was “dying” and was doubting his ability to finish the race. Riley could have left him behind and won the race and become the State Champion, but he didn’t. He encouraged his friend and told him ‘No you’re not dying.’ His friend found the strength through Riley’s encouragement and won the race to become the State Champion, beating Riley. Riley was the first to congratulate him. Riley was always happy when he could encourage others and help them reach their potential. This scholarship will keep Riley’s light and encouragement alive and shining bright by helping others as he so loved to do.
When Riley passed he had $ 1,758.42 in his bank account from working at Chic-Fil-A. We are donating 100% of this money to the Scholarship fund so that he can plant the seed to grow into the funding goal of at least $50,000. Any donation amount will be greatly appreciated but whether you want to donate $10.00, $1,000 or symbolically donate $1,758.42 to match his contribution, your donation will go 100% to the scholarship and helping these wonderful kids that Riley loved so much. Thank you for helping to keep Riley’s light shining bright!”