When you find yourself dealing with an automobile accident, you are not usually thinking about your steps for a lawsuit. Being prepared though can often be the difference in whether or not you recover damages.
If you ever find yourself in the unfortunate position of dealing with a car wreck or other automobile accident, here are a few steps to keep in mind.
- Stay Calm: Keep your composure and safely navigate to a safe place to pull over. Avoid traffic if at all possible and find a safe place to remain.
- Dial 9-1-1: Informing emergency personnel is vital. Not only will they provide medical assistance, but they will also document the accident and what occurred. This is crucial for most accident cases.
- Document & Photograph: If you’re able, you want to take photos and/or video of the scene, including vehicle damage. This evidence will play a large role in a potential case. Emergency personnel may document the scene, but taking your own photos and/or videos is always a good idea. Notating any witnesses and their contact information is also key.
- Insurance Information: Collect the other driver’s insurance and license information. Although law enforcement may collect this information, people may try to leave the scene before they arrive. Photos of license plates can be vital as well in finding these individuals if they leave the scene. Report everything you’ve seen to law enforcement to ensure their report is thorough.
- Medical Help: If you’re injured, seek medical attention immediately. Your health is what’s most important, and seeking medical help will ensure your injuries are documented and treated.
- Call Our Office at 770-415-9848: Don’t be surprised when the at-fault insurance company starts calling you. Their goal is to minimize the accident and have you admit possible negligence yourself. To protect your rights, it’s essential that you seek legal counsel. At The Sellers Law Firm, LLC, we are always here for you.
Whether you are dealing with a car accident, slip-and-fall, dog bite, or workplace accident, your personal health and legal security are top priorities.
If you find yourself dealing with an accident or personal injury incident, put your safety first, call 9-1-1 and report the incident, and seek an attorney to protect your rights.
The Sellers Law Firm, LLC, is here for you–every case, every client. If you or someone you know wants to discuss a potential case, give us a call at 770-415-9848 at The Sellers Law Firm, LLC: Where Clients Become Family.
You may also submit a case evaluation to our firm online HERE.c