On Saturday, August 3, 2019, The Sellers Law Firm, LLC, teamed up with Promo Vision Digital Advertising and Brian’s Buffet in Griffin, Georgia, to raise money for Operation Lunchbox–a charity dedicated to feeding hungry kids.
The message was simple: Time to take a stand–take a bite out of hunger, and feed the living because no child should go hungry.
Tying into the fact that Griffin, Georgia, has served as a setting for the hit t.v. show The Walking Dead, The Sellers Law Firm, LLC, was able to partner with “Mick Grimes.” A professional Andrew Lincoln impersonator, Mick Grimes posed for photos and signed autographs to raise money for Operation Lunchbox.
In addition to Mick Grimes, Timothy Gonzalez with our firm appeared as well posing for photos and signing autographs. To top it off, Zombtography, Southern Belle Princess Parties, and Marble Slab Creamery of Macon, Georgia, all appeared at the event, helping to raise money for this amazing charity.
You can donate to Operation Lunchbox below in multiple ways:
Website: operationlunchbox.org
Facebook: @kidsgottaeatATL
App: Operation Lunchbox App
PayPal: Dave.OperationLunchbox@gmail.com
Venmo: Operation-Lunchbox
Cash App: $OperationLunchbox