Shelter in Place Executive Order Amended to Enforce Family Law Court Orders

On April 2, 2020, Governor Kemp issued Executive Order  This executive order created a “shelter in place” directive, limiting certain businesses and individuals from travel, employment, and other daily tasks.

As soon as the executive order was put in place, issues and questions concerning custody and visitation exchanges in family law cases began arising.

In response, Executive Order was issued.  This executive order states, in part, as follows: “. . . no provision of Executive Order shall limit, infringe, suspend, or supplant any judicial order, judgment or decree, including custodial arrangements…nor shall any person use the Executive Order as a defense in an action in violation of a judicial order, judgment, custodial arrangement or decree . . . .”  Executive Order, p.1-2.

You may view the executive order in full HERE.

With this new executive order, the Governor has made clear that all current custody and visitation orders remain in effect and shall be followed.  Additionally, no defense shall exist by relying on the Governor’s initial executive order.

If you find yourself dealing with a family law issue, or if you just have a few questions, give us a call at 770-415-9848 at The Sellers Law Firm, LLC: where clients become family.

You may also submit a case evaluation request on our website HERE.